Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Earthquake Relief in Haiti & Avon

Avon Products are committing to $1million for earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. The Avon Foundation for Women plans to distribute the donations equally to the American Red Cross International Response Fund and Doctors Without Borders and the funds will be used for immediate and basic human needs---water, food and medical help. I am an Avon Representative and I am so Proud that I am able to contribute to this cause.. I have only been with Avon for about 6 1/2 months and I when I got this email I was SO excited. It means so much to think that I work for a company that is helping with a disaster as massive as this.

Avon is making every effort to contact each of our 387 Representatives in Haiti. Avon also has a number of Associates and Representatives with family members in Haiti and they are working to support those individuals.

Avon Representatives have a long history of dedication community involvement and have played a key role in disaster recoveries. Recognizing what a powerful force that we could make along with our Customers. Avon will donate 50 cents from the purchase of every full-size Skin So Soft product (excluding deodorant) ordering during Campaigns 4 through 6.

I want to let everyone know that "Zoe Saldana" is from Haiti as well as a Celebrity Spokesperson with Avon..

My Avon store is--- www.youravon.com/cherylcampbell.com if you don't need Avon.. Please Donate to the Cause, these people and their families need everything they can get ..
Thank You so Much For Reading My Blog... God Bless

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking over your blog
    God bless you
