Friday, October 2, 2009

October is Breast Cancer Month


"Support Breast Cancer"

In 2009, AFBCF awarded $6.0 million in grants to 143 community-based, non-profit organizations in the United States. All grant recipients were selected through a rigorous application and independent grant review process.

Since 2000, the Avon Foundation Breast Care Fund has distributed more than $42 million in grants to community-based agencies. These agencies have made a significant impact on the lives of thousands of women in need of breast cancer screening services. By the end of 2009, almost 1 million mammograms and CBEs will have been facilitated and more than 15 million people will have received education on breast cancer awareness as a result of support from the Fund.

I am a proud Avon Representative and I wanted to display on my personal blog the Support I have for the AVON foundation BREAST CANCER CRUSADE.

I have lost an Aunt (one of my Best Friend) to Breast Cancer and My Mother-in-law (Joan) survived breast cancer 16 years ago but passed away in 2001 from lung cancer. In honor of these two wonderful people and all the others that have gone and or going through this .. I will wear pink everyday this month. PLEASE JOIN IN ON THE POWER OF PINK.

You can also support Breast Cancer by purchasing Breast Cancer Crusade items from Avon - 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade.

Together Avon Reps, Customers and Friends can enlist an "army" for this incredible campaign. Please sign up today so researchers can walk toward a tomorrow without breast cancer.
For details, visit

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Try'n To Catch Up

WOW.. I forgot how BUSY I really am.. I have been wanting to blog for a very long time.. So I guess I just have to JUMP right in and go with it. I have so much going on and loving every bit of it. Just got back from a vacation at the beach (Gulf of Mexico) along with Family. My two youngest Grandkiddos first trip to the beach. Was AWESOME. Will post some pic's real soon, got some great ones. I am also helping my Daughter-in-law with a homecoming mum. Getting ready for fall (Halloween) one of my favorite holidays. And every year we set up our Christmas Village around this time, the 1st of October. It Takes us about 3 wks steady.
Got busy again, my youngest grandson is spending the night, his older brother was sent home from school with a fever 100.4 and it is flu season (not to mention SWINE FLU) so for precation Kaden (11 months) is staying with us.. Hope it is just a virus. Gotta sign off.. Good nite ~hugs~

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"A Little About Me"

I am a very Proud Mom and Grandma-they call me (Granny, Grammy, Mom....) And a very Happy Wife & Best Friend to my Soulmate Robert-Married soon to be 35 years on Valentines Day 2010.
I have 3 Beautiful Children & 8 Grandkiddos and they are Absolutely Awesome, I am sure you will see PHOTOS of the whole Family.
I am a new Avon Rep.(it is a lot of fun).. you can find my online store at would love for you to visit.. thanx